How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper

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by Will Martins / Updated September 17, 2022

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According to the reviews of college learners, creating a coherent ending for an academic essay is complicated. However, the struggle is real if you stick to the basic suggestions. Keep reading the article to determine how to write a conclusion for a research paper and keep it pertinent and meaningful. By the way, have a look at our top research paper writer services.

What Is a Conclusion for a Research Paper?

Scientific writing has always been one of the biggest issues among college students, especially when it comes to conclusions for research paper. However, once you acknowledge that it is the indispensable part of the program that helps the audience to comprehend the prominence of the study and its essence, you will succeed with the undertaking. 

The Reasons Why a Meaningful Conclusion Is Important

A well-written conclusion of research paper is an extra chance to highlight the key aspects of the work and exhibit your awareness of the debated issue. Consequently, it is the excerpt the student should give ultimate concern to presenting the final topic mentioned in the essay, encapsulating the key ideas, and conveying other ramifications of the project. 

Multiple Types of Research Paper Conclusions

Are you still unsure of how to end a research paper? There are numerous approaches to assist you to thrive with the closing passage, which will depend mainly on the topic and style of your project. At this point, it is indispensable to mention that instead of a trivial summary, a lot of students choose authentic ways to finish the work. Here are the most widely spread tools employed by experienced learners:

  • Summarization. Striving to keep the work clear and precise, you should target this type of denouement. Its purpose is to supply the crowd with a quick restatement of the fundamental points, highlighting the study findings. It is most commonly used in persuasive texts, argumentative works, and scientific projects. 
  • Reflective. Concentrate on bringing different parts of your writing together and give a sophisticated prospectus of all the points you have mentioned. Additionally, this type of conclusion in a research paper presupposes an apparent and coherent explanation of what you have learned from the undertaking. 
  • Projective. This is the rarest type of ending, which is suitable mainly for expository assignments. As the name implies, its goal is to focus on the hypothetical consequences of the circumstances described in the content. 

The Structure of the Conclusion

The conclusion of a research paper is an indispensable part of the whole work that accentuates its key points and projects future studies. Similar to other chapters of the project, uncomplicated and straightforward language, consistency, and excellent structure are a must here. Therefore, it is fundamental to follow comprehensive tips on how to conclude a research paper. 

  • Rehash the theme. First of all, the writer should remind the audience of the theme of the work and the main idea behind it. 
  • Reiterate the thesis. It is impossible to skip this point, as it helps to recall the key objectives of the project. 
  • Sum up the key findings. It is the time to summarize the work, paying due attention to the results of the study. 
  • Mention the prominence of the undertaking. How can it be used by other scholars? 
  • Draw a conclusion. Add a few words about the specifications of the undertaking and its distinct features. 

Quick Tips on How to Write an Effective Research Paper Conclusion

Writing a conclusion for a research paper in accordance with the guidelines mentioned above seems fast and easy. Nonetheless, it may still be complicated to craft a unique, well-structured, and relevant ending with no mistakes. 

Striving to simplify your struggle, we have compiled a short list of helpful tips that can contribute to the quality of your writing. 

  • Keep the passage short, clear, and concise. 
  • “In summary,” “To conclude,” and similar phrases should be omitted.
  • Mention the basic points without long and tiresome explanations. 
  • Diversify the last part of the research paper with extraordinary options. 
  • Do not repeat the same information multiple times.
  • Use relevant quotes to keep the passage more influential and authoritative. 
  • Include personal reflection on the issue. 
  • Follow the style and tone of the paper. 
  • Edit and proofread it to avoid any inaccuracies, typos, and mistakes. 

Things to Avoid in Research Paper Conclusion

Coming up with an appealing and meaningful conclusion for a research paper is not about an excellent structure and proper format only. Instead, it is also critical to pay attention to the points that should be avoided, as they may sometimes affect the relevance of the work. Here are multiple most typical mistakes students make. 

  • Generic opening phrase. The moment readers get to the concluding part of the project, they acknowledge its arrangement and importance. Therefore, you should not overwhelm the essay with obvious phrases. 
  • New data. Have you finished your endeavor with the body paragraphs? Then stop looking for extra facts, as you cannot include them in the final part of your text. 
  • Long reflection. The conclusion paragraph research paper should be short, straightforward, concise, and meaningful, so you should avoid any obscure and elaborate discussions. 
  • Emotional components. Irrespective of the topic and type of the project you are working on, academic papers should be informative and analytical, so there is no place for emotions. 

A Sample Research Paper Conclusion to Follow

Following the adequate and compelling tips, you are ready to create the most influential and eloquent paper ending. Are you still unsure about some points? Do you need extra incentive? Check out an extract from a comprehensive research paper conclusion example to multiply your chances of making your project stand out from the crowd. 

“Clear water is indispensable to keep ecological harmony and protect human lives. The continuous escalation of water deterioration since 2000 has caused the reduction of the floating wildlife and the rise of the dangerous elements in freshwater. Additionally, with the development of crop production, an increasing number of various contaminants have started entering the freshwater supplies triggering new issues and leading to the fish receding, marine life decrease and clean water shortage”.

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